my Coaching approach

As your coach I am your confidential sparring partner.
We will work together to develop and evaluate different alternatives.
And we will develop a solution that is tailor-made, just for you.
Fresh. Powerful. Immediately impactful.

Develop fresh alternatives.
Act with
immediate impact.

Where I can support you...

Examples from previous coachings are: 

  • Individual development for managers and leaders
  • Development of a people strategy
  • Change processes in organizations
  • Outplacement / Career planning
  • Improvement of self-leadership
  • Conflict management
  • Improving collaboration in international teams
  • Performance management and improvement
  • Succession planning

If you are not 100% sure whether I can support you with your change agenda, why not contact me via phone or e-mail to set up a complimentary introductory session. I look forward to our conversation!



Highly individual.
Totally transparent.



The process

Every coaching relationship is unique. Just like you.

But what is consistent, is that every coaching relationship begins with a valuable, but complimentary introduction session. If we decide that we want to continue working together, we will reach a formal agreement on the timing, the cadence, the topics to be adressed, how we will measure progress etc. .  

Only you will decide about the length of our collaboration, so that you have full transparency regarding the approach and the cost. My approach to coaching is highly solution focussed, so from experience, most coaching topics can be addressed within a span of 4-6 sessions. 

Also, when it comes to confidentiality, full transparency is critical for you.
You , and only you, will decide whether the topics we discuss will remain between us or whether we will get other stakeholders involved to develop new alternatives for acting with impact.

Do you have further questions regarding the coaching process? 
I look forward to your call or e-mail.


Coaching Tools etc.

If you are interested in the tools, methods etc. that I work with, this is where you will find more. 
Together we will decide, which mode of working together, which tools etc. are the right ones just for you.  I will make this very transparent during our coaching sessions.
A large coaching toolbox is wonderful, but only one ingredient of success. Only when clarity, empathy and expertise come together, coaching "magic" can happen. 


In Munich.
In Germany.



  • We can meet at your office, a location of your choice or my coaching office in downtown Munich.
  • Coaching via Skype or telephone are possible, but only after a first personal introduction 
  • Coaching in English or German at native-speaker level

If there is any information that I have not provided on these pages, then contact me here! I look forward to our conversation.